The Brighton North Outfall Storm Sewer project was designed to reduce historic flooding in the City. Project design was started in 2006 and the project will be released in three phases. BTC in combination with BTrenchless completed Phase 2 of this project in March 2019. Phase 3 is currently in design.
The project alignment for Phase 2 crossed an irrigation canal, Main Street, and seven sets of railroad tracks (including two high speed rails). These features would require trenchless crossings.
The project alignment also had to consider the location of existing buildings and infrastructure. Topography dictated that the storm sewer depth was 23'.
The City of Brighton, Mile High Flood District, ICON Engineering, Lithos Engineering, BTC and BTrenchless comprised the project team and worked together from the design phase through the completion of the project. Early contractor involvement during the design phase allowed the design to be modified to address cost and constructability concerns. The project design changed several times but ultimately landed on a combination of trenchless and open cut methods. A 650’ tunnel was built via microtunneling methods using 72” Permalok pipe. The open cut portion of the project was 180’ of 72” RCP.